MIT Department of Anthropology

News Archive

MIT Anthropology

News Archive

Graham Jones' new class, "Paranormal Machines" is featured on MIT News and SHASS News

November 4, 2019

Associate Professor Graham Jones and Seth Riskin, Manager of the MIT Museum Studio and Compton Gallery, are offering a new class, Paranormal Machines: Technologies of Enchantment in Science, Art, and Culture. The class "explores the human experience of the disconcerting and the uncanny in relation to technology" and how "people and cultures build stories and beliefs around out-of-the-ordinary experiences".

Professor Christine Walley on "Work, Stories, and American Identity"

October 25, 2018

As part of the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science's (SHASS) initiative on 21st Century Citizenship, several SHASS faculty have been asked to write about their research based perspectives for a series - Election Insights 2018. Professor Christine Walley writes on "Work, Stories, and American Identity".

Anthropology awarded grant from the MIT-SenseTime Alliance

September 18, 2018

The MIT-SenseTime Alliance awarded a grant to Anthropology for a project headed up by Professor Heather Paxson. The project hopes to prototype a search tool, "Relata", which will use machine-readable metadata looking for relations among literatures, authors, and publications in anthropology. The tool will be launched on the Society for Cultural Anthropology's website.

And the 2017 James Beard Award for Reference and Scholarship goes to...

May 3, 2017

The Oxford Companion to Cheese, published in 2016, was chosen to receive the 2017 James Beard Award for Reference and Scholarship, the highest award in the food publishing world. Professor Heather Paxson served as an Area Editor for the volume which consists of 855 encyclopedic entries on all aspects of cheese. In addition to Professor Paxson, Professors Stefan Helmreich and Graham Jones also contributed entries for the volume -

Alien Ocean wins the 2017 J.I. Staley Prize from the School for Advanced Research (SAR)

March 28, 2017

Professor Stefan Helmreich's 2009 book, Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas, has been named the winner of the 2017 J.I. Staley Prize from the School of Advanced Research (SAR). The J.I. Staley Prize recognizes "innovative works that go beyond traditional frontiers and dominant schools of thought in anthropology" and which "add new dimensions to our understanding of the human species".